Health Care Professionals Journal of Nursing

Health Care Leadership

Health Care Leadership

Tags: Authentic leadership health care professionals leadership leadership in nursing leadership skills

An active leader can create an environment that fosters members of the group to develop their skills and imagination, so that they can succeed at the tasks and vision for the organization.

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A Review of the Treatment for Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting

A Review of the Treatment for Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting

Tags: anesthesia health care professionals nausea PACU post-op risk factors treatment options vomiting

Common treatments reviewed for the treatment of postoperative nausea and vomiting, mostly in the PACU phase of care.

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Successful Aging For Canada's LGBT Older Adults

Successful Aging For Canada's LGBT Older Adults

Tags: aging caregiver discrimination gay health care professionals lesbian LGBT LGBTQ mental health nursing older adults transgender

A research paper I wrote for my BSN degree regarding how health care services, particularly nursing can accommodate older adult members of the LGBT community and provide safe and best practice care.

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Seconds Of Safety Port Angeles, S.O.S. PA

Seconds Of Safety Port Angeles, S.O.S. PA

Tags: health care health care professionals hygiene safety

In response to the need for hand hygiene education the second year nursing students of Peninsula College created a campaign centered around the W.H.O. guidelines for the citizens and healthcare workers of Clallam County, Washington. The project received positive response from Olympic Medical Center and other local area businesses and was featured in multiple local publications.

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Making a Difference: Recognizing the Risk of Alcohol and Benzodiazepine Use by Older Women 

Making a Difference: Recognizing the Risk of Alcohol and Benzodiazepine Use by Older Women 

Tags: aging benzodiazepine elderly Hallucinations health care health care professionals medication older women risk of alcohol

Substance abuse in the elderly, specifically abuse of alcohol and benzodiazepines, is much higher than most people may think. According to a recent article published by CNN, of the 25.6 million women over the age of 59, seven percent abuse alcohol and eleven percent abuse psychoactive drugs such as benzodiazepines (CNN, 1998).

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